Joomla is a great creative and if not the most flexible CMS out there - and for sure always was. I went all the way with you during the last 10 years and am positive that there will be another 10 more - at least ;) - but most important is the fact that the community within Joomla is amazing, sharing, caring, global and most of all creative. Keep on with your good workd - big up and happy B-Day.

Luiz Felipe Weber

O espírito de comunidade e colaboração que o Joomla proporciona, motiva a todos a serem pessoas melhores, a compartilhar mais conhecimento, a dedicar mais tempo a ajudar a quem necessita, sem pedir nada em troca.

Parabéns a todos os Joomleiros e Joomleiras também :)

Ugur Uygur

Happy 10th Birthday Joomla! We celebrate tonight at the Turkey User Group istanbul

Cyril Rezé

Joomla is more than an open source project; Joomla is an incredible (fantastic, accessible, friendly...) community of nice fools, sharing together their soul, mind, culture... into a common wonderful project.
Joomla is a great and strong family of different people all together!

Happy Birthday Joomla!

Gonzalo Suez

I have the same years working with Joomla.
I have participated in national and international events, known great people.
I hope to continue many years more, happy birthday number 10 Joomla!
